Aside from the Giraffe exhibit, this is where I spent most of my time at the Brevard Zoo. I went on my way into the zoo for a while, and again on the way out. Here is my photoshoot with the Meerkats!
Meerkats are matriarchal, and the alpha female has control over the group. Below is Kiki, the head of the mob in this exhibit. I knew I had to get a portrait of the head, and she was a pleasure to work with. She does look fierce doesn’t she?

Here you can see her playing a slightly more gentle role… I thought it was sweet but at first as you can see no one really wanted to look at the camera for me.

That’s better.. sort of. I love how she has her arm wrapped around the baby. It definitely shows her softer motherly side.

I caught these (brothers?) guys just hanging out back to back… but again you see my dilemma with not getting them to look at me. The little one on the left just didn’t’ want to have his photo taken at all. They remind me of a certain little white furball who lives with me.

After waiting around a while longer, and a little coaxing from his buddy, I got both of them at least looking in the same direction. I would have liked to have a better angle, but for these guys I’ll take it!

Aren’t they cute!

Okay, finally I was attempting to organize a family photo (or partial family, there were many more meerkats not in this shot.) But as you can see, I had my work cut out for me.

A very long time, and many shots later, this is the best we could do. Christmas card worthy?

The Meerkats may look cute and cuddly, but don’t be fooled. As soon as food is out they are vicious! We got to see the zoo keeper put food out and they went pretty crazy. I wouldn’t dare get in their way.

I very much enjoyed my time watching these guys, and I hope you like the pictures! If you’d like to read a little about the exhibit or see some additional photos, the zoo has an article about them here:
Thanks for looking!