
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Welcome Fall!

welcome fall

Or so the sign says… I absolutely love the fall.  Cool weather perfect for being outside, and so many beautiful colors!  However these photos were taken on a day many places would consider quite summer-like.  Little Bit was skeptical about the sign too, as he sunbathed while I had a nice lunch at the cafe.

Little Bit

Nevertheless, the sign said so and my calendar agreed, so we set out to find some evidence of fall.  If the cool weather hadn’t made it yet, maybe at least we could find the colors. 

orange flower2

These vibrant flowers showcased the signature orange and yellow we were looking for! 

orange flower

autumn leaves

These decorations were also beautiful, but still not quite the proof we needed.


Now we’re getting closer!  Little Bit found this colorful leaf above while playing in the dirt, which unfortunately for him meant another bath.  Meanwhile, I stepped right over the one below on the sidewalk.


Continuing on our journey, we saw this bridge and of course I had to cross it!


Little Bit was a little unsure considering all the wind...


But I convinced him he would be okay as it wasn’t a very high bridge.  And it’s a good thing too, because just on the other side we found this beautiful fall foliage deep in cluster of trees. 


little bit2

Now he is convinced, and so am I.  Fall is indeed here.  And I”m so very very excited that tomorrow the temperature is actually supposed to be in the 60s, so it will actually feel a little like fall. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Try Something Different

I haven’t been posting as often as I would like recently, but hopefully that will change soon!  I’ve been on a modified “light duty” schedule at work because of an injury.  Strangely enough, light duty has me on my feet much longer than my normal workday. (It is much less strenuous work, however)  As much as my body appreciates the break, I have a lot less down time to work on sorting and editing my photos. 

After the repetitive mindless tasks I do all day now for my light duty, I get home and can’t sleep.  The creative part of my mind starts racing after keeping quiet all day.  So last night I decided to begin work on a new post.  I was brainstorming a colors of fall post with some recent photos, but got distracted as seems to happen quite frequently.  It’s not that I can’t focus – just that I like to focus on so many things!  I don’t mind, as the distractions usually lead me some place interesting.  The thing that lead me astray this time was a post on Pinterest about a home photography project by Steve Hermitage.  Please check his work out if you get a chance! 

I read the article a few weeks ago, and it’s been on my mind ever since.  Finally last night I crouched down in front of my computer with an empty wine glass and gave it a shot:

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Definitely unlike any photographs I’ve taken in the past, but I’m really happy with the results. So – try something different, you never know what you’ll find.  I’ll definitely be trying this again with different backgrounds and maybe various clear glass objects.  Stay tuned for more!  Oh, and that colors of fall post will be here soon.  Unless I get distracted again, which I can’t promise won’t happen…

Thanks for stopping by!