
Thursday, October 31, 2013


I’m not a huge fan of all the blood and gore, but Halloween can still be a really fun time!  I took a walk in the beautiful town of Celebration, FL and they were definitely ready for the big day.



These birds were a little ominous


  Then I ran into this pirate ship!

Halloween-pirate ship

A few shots of some details are below.  So much work went into this!

pirate ship detail 5

pirate ship detail 4


 Pirate ship detail 2

Pirate ship detail 3  

Pirate ship detail

A little creepy, but the detail is amazing!

Halloween-skull hand

And here is a little Halloween, Disney style.  A pumpkin carving contest, these were two of my favorites.

pumpkin caarving

pumpkin carving2

I did spend a little time making my costume (the tutu, hat, and buttoned suspenders), so had to go out and show it off. 


Mario was a little star struck.

Mario 2


Happy Halloween!  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

More Magic Kingdom!

I had a lot more photos from my recent trip to Magic Kingdom, so thought I would share a few others.  I love how playing around with color creates interest in photographs, and can draw or take away attention from certain details.  Editing with color and saturation can make a photo much more interesting!


This pink flower caught my attention, I thought the castle made a nice backdrop.

castle rose

castle rose2

castle rose crop 

castle rose2 crop3

I think this one below is my favorite.

castle rose2 crop2a

But then again, the castle really is beautiful all on it’s own. 

castle through green2l

Donald thinks so too :)  

 donald and castle

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh Oh It’s Magic - Kingdom

An afternoon in the Magic Kingdom always provides lots of photo opportunities.  This post is all about reflections.  Before even entering the park, I noticed a reflection of the “Let the Memories Begin” slogan in sunglasses.  Good thing I caught it, as things are changing and the the new theme is “Show Your Disney Side.” 


The castle is always beautiful.


If it looks a little strange to you, maybe this one below will clear things up a little.


Now here’s the bigger picture. I always like to look at the bigger picture, even if I’m focusing on smaller details.  I think it’s good to take everything in, to get a better idea of what you’re looking at. 

castle and reflection

And this is just me having a little fun with photo shop.



Thanks for taking a look!

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Walk in the Park

A while back I took Little Bit for a walk in the park.  The sunset was really beautiful, and as I often am I was easily distracted.  I thought the way the sun was glowing through this tiny plant along the sidewalk was pretty neat. 

This is the first quick glimpse that made me stop and take a second look.  

first glimpse

It’s not necessarily a masterpiece, but I saw possibilities.  I actually took this picture, continued on with the walk and then decided to turn around and try looking at it more closely and from some different angles.

fuzzy close up leaves

Close ups of the leaves

close up leaves1 leaevs

And for these I decided to play around with angles, shooting from the ground. 


Golden and backlit by the sun.


It was definitely worth the time spent laying on the ground to finally get this one!

park view 

So, you never know what can come about, if you stop and really look at something.  Find a better angle, you may surprise yourself with where you end up :) 

Little Bit lost interest somewhere during the time I was laying in the dirt. (I guess I was taking too much time for his taste)  I looked up to realize he had decided to continue walking himself.  He’s a good boy though, and came back as soon as I called him.  Caught this shot of him as he was walking back to me.  What a happy boy!

walk in the park